The Gluinos organization homepage.
Gluinos are one of many particles predicted by the theory of Supersymmetry, which predicts a parter to every currently-known particle, which are all included in the experimentally-proven, yet fundamentally flawed, Standard Model of particle physics (all named using the “particle-ino” convention). Specifically, however, gluinos are the theoretical partners to the gluon, a Standard Model particle responsible for communicating the Strong Force between quarks. In Layman’s terms, it is the “glue” (hence the name) that holds particles like the proton and neutron together.
The Gluinos organization was created for SB Hacks V where we debued with ChompChapp, a machine-learning-driven service for providing local restaurant recommendations. ChompChapp based its opinion on the user’s subconscious profile, which was probed by flashing a list of food-related words to the user, where they were encouraged the press the spacebar whenever a word felt “right.” Since we are a new group, we do not have many projects to showcase here, but stay tuned! In summary, then, we are hackers committed to making unique applications that may, one day, become something great.
If you have any questions about a Gluinos project or are interested in joining our effort, you can find our contact info on the Github profile of any current member.